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Parents can help children learn the rewards of saving with our KIDS CLUB savings program, available to young savers from birth to age 17.

It takes only $25 to open the account, and it earns a 2% interest rate with a 2.02% annual percentage yield (APY) on balances up to $10,000.

The minimum average daily balance to obtain the advertised APY is $25.

Kids Club Brochure Download

Current Promotions

Minnesota Nice Giveaway


Get ready for something special! We’re excited to announce the Minnesota Nice Giveaway. Each season we'll be giving away fabulous prize packages you can win. Click below to enter!

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Fish Ruler & Info Packet

northview bank fish ruler

Northview Bank wants to measure up your memories, and provide you with a complimentary fish ruler. Just click below and we’ll send you a fish ruler, and a vacation property packet.

Request a Ruler

Game License Holder & Info Packet

license holder3

Northview Bank wants to provide you with a complimentary game license holder for your hunting season. Please fill out the information below and we’ll send your game license holder and information packet.

Game License Holder & Packet

Big Buck Contest


Northview Bank wants to see your trophy deer and your hunt could make you a winner! Click below to see contest dates, terms and conditions.

Enter Now

2026 Calendar Photo Contest

2021photo sml

Enter photos that capture the character of the areas we do business in! If your photo is selected for inclusion in the 2026 calendar, you will receive photo credit in the calendar.

Submit Your Photo

Current Promotions

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